
Prof. Anil Bharadwaj
Director, Physical Research Laboratory
Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta
Director, National Physical Laboratory

Prof. R. P. Singh
Physical Research Laboratory

Prof. Majid Ebrahim Zadeh
ICFO, Barcelona

Prof. Anil Prabhakar
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Prof. Ady Arie
Tel Aviv University

Prof. Anurag Sharma
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Prof. Subhasish Dutta Gupta
TIFR, Hyderabad

Prof. Andrew Forbes
University of Witwatersrand

Prof. Greg Gbur
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Dr. Jagannath Nayak
DRDO, Hyderabad

Prof. Chennupati Jagadish
Australian National University

Prof. Ajoy Ghatak
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Prof. Kenneth Grattan
City St George’s, London

Prof. Kehar Singh
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Prof. L. N. Hazra
University of Calcutta